Life happens, and we need to make the best of it, or, at the very least, make it work. There are periods where it becomes a daunting task to even go through a single day, and days of abundant joy. There can’t be one without the other. There will be periods where everything is going perfect, and another when everything will seem to be going wrong.
We need to push on. We need to continue existing as the best version of ourselves - do something that makes existing better, not only for you, but for others.
I guess this is why I’ve found photography such an addictive activity - I get to create and express the best I have to offer, while at the same time documenting and giving others a chance to see and appreciate what might otherwise never be. I’ve found within my own country, Guyana, the experience I believe I’ve always yearned for - adventure and art in nature. There’s something about a relatively untouched landscape that speaks to your soul, and, for each of us, there’s a different lesson to be learned. There’s something about our brothers and sisters in feathers and fur, scales and shells, that teach us that life is not only limited to the human experience, and the societies we live in. We’re all trying to make it, to survive, and to keep on existing no matter the challenges. There is no art that can surpass the art that nature has created - it’s perfection, and I try to capture that in whatever small way I can, and to the best of my abilities.
There are challenges to the type of photography I pursue - it’s expensive, time consuming, requires a lot of planning, and sometimes quite dangerous. But I get inspiration from others who have done exponentially more than what I will probably ever achieve. If they can do so much, I can do more. Maybe one day I’ll pursue it full time, but for now I’ll take it step by step.
In a society filled with amenities and technological crutches, we lose touch with our physical selves more and more. Instead of looking at the stars, I stare constantly at an illuminated screen. Instead of climbing mountains, I’m climbing the financial ladder. Instead of seeing everything as within, I constantly see everything as without. So, I take my explorations and photography as a form of meditation - a practice I can fall into without it becoming a task, something I can let happen naturally, like breathing.
These are just a few jumbled thoughts I wanted to put in the open. Random, and spontaneous.