Guyana - A Land I Love
There are some times when it can be really frustrating living in Guyana, but at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are times when your heart explodes with love for this country. It could be on casual walk, or drive, or while listening to the radio play songs that reek with nostalgia.
Many times, for me, it’s when I’m out in open spaces like the Rupununi, or on the seawall on a good day when families are out enjoying a walk, or in the National Park. I guess that’s why photos are so important to me - they can capture a time that you can revisit, and sometimes relive just a bit. They can portray your emotions for what you saw, they can preserve, they can demonstrate in ways words can’t.
Recently, I took a trip to the Rupununi - two days - but it was the refresher I needed to remember that there are more important things to life than just working for a future that never comes. It reminded me to live in the present and soak up all the juices of life - bitter and sweet, and live.
I took a few photos, although this wasn’t a photographic expedition, and it was great to just be and not take things too seriously for a little while.
Quarrie Village, with the Kanuku Mountains in the Background. 5th April, 2022
Rupununi, Guyana.