A Wedding in Essequibo
14th May, 2022 - I took a weekend trip to Essequibo Coast to attend a wedding. Naturally, I took the opportunity take some photos along the way. I’m a bit more selective with my shots, and even more selective now with that I decide to post. That is not to say that many of the photos that aren’t posted right away are no good. On the contrary, I’ve found that many of the photos that I ignore initially are quite good after allowing them to rest for a while - perhaps a year or two.
I did manage to get a few shots during the wedding, but I was keen not to interfere too much with the ceremony as there were already dedicated photographers and videographers there to record the event. Lucky I managed a few good shots I’m happy with and glad to have experienced what I would consider my first Hindu wedding.
Guyana truly has a rich and complex culture that seems to work harmoniously most of the time. It’s one of the things that I’ve grown to truly appreciate over the years, and believe that I’m truly blessed to be living here. What a truly wealthy nation this is.
The bride at a Hindu wedding on the Essequibo Coast, Guyana.
Young tassa drummers at a Hindu Wedding - Essequibo Coast, Guyana.
Parika Stelling - The portal to many parts of the Essequibo, and landing area for food supplies that sell at markets along the coast.
Parika - Supenaam speedboat and captain await passengers before taking off. This was taken at the Parika Stelling.