Inspiration in Photography
I’ve had my fair share of inspiration to get out and practice photography from the masters - Salgado, Bresson, Leiter, Parks, Eugene Smith, McCurry, among others. I’ve been inspired by photographers on instagram, movie directors, local photographers right here in Guyana - Kwesi Isles, Michael Lam, Fidal Bassier, Avinash Richards, Meshach Pierre, and photographers I’ve met from other countries like my friends Mateusz Wrazildo and Maciej Moskwa who are from Poland.
What I’ve found is that they focus on various subjects which I find quite fascinating, and it could be me, but I think there’s a solitary nature within each photographer’s art. Photography, like any art, reflects what we harbor in the deepest parts of our souls. Constant themes reflect our characteristics and personality.
I am, by nature, someone who loves to spend time by myself. I enjoy interactions at times, but for the most part, in any artistic endeavor, and in this case, photography - I find that my most authentic and memorable photos are the ones I spend time on by myself. It’s me and the subject - whatever that may be - a vast landscape, or some form of isolated scene. And, here I am, losing track of the subject of this blog post: inspiration.
How can I be inspired again, after quite a bit of an ‘off-period’… I’m not sure what went on over the past year, but I’ve felt less and less passion to go out and make photos, and I’m really can’t pinpoint why. But I’m looking to be inspired again - I’m looking to do something new, and different, and meaningful - to me.
I believe I just need to go out and shoot, or perhaps revisit some old photos of my own. Interesting how we neglect ourselves. I’ve mentioned so many others who inspire me to become a better photographer, and I forgot to mention myself. Perhaps I’ll take some of this time off to run through and post some of my old phots that never made it into the public domain. Maybe this break is good time to look back at what I’ve done and take time to appreciate the work that I’ve neglected to process, or edit, or post.
I reckon that somewhere in between I’ll find the inspiration I need to get back on track, and continue the art the best way I know.
Old Banks DIH Benches on the Seawall, Georgetown, Guyana.