Posting More Photos On The Blog
So, only recently I figured out that I could post photos on this blog, so the idea from now on is to include photos while blogging for a few reasons - to publish more of my photos, to have more incentive to blog, and to review my own work.
This is a photo-website after all, so it makes sense to include photos in my blog entries. A lot of these will be entries that have never been released before, although they might have been taken a while back.
Many times, I find, while reviewing old photos that I’ve taken years ago, I realize how glad I was that I took them, and how good they make me feel, and how good I think they are. Some of them I was hesitant about posting, because I honestly didn’t think they were good enough. Now, I just think we should post whatever we feel. Photography is about learning, not being too harsh or critical about your own work.
I’m looking forward to this exercise.
Lilies taken at Berbice Sugar Estate.